Our people and communities





Our employees are the heart of our company. They are a secret ingredient to every success.


Coca-Cola HBC

Belgrade, Serbia, 2023

Credit: Ed Robinson Coca-Cola HBC

Belgrade, Serbia, 2023

Credit: Ed Robinson

Human Rights Policy of Coca-Cola HBC is based on international principles included in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Declaration of Fundamental Principels and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization, United Nations Global Agreement and Leading Principles of United Nations on business and human rights. 

The company is committed to preservation of principles this policy is based on. 

Our fundamental values mean that we always treat each other with dignity and respect. We appreciate diversity of our labor force and we try to provide an inclusive environment. 

The basis for employment and promotion at work includes qualifications, knowledge, performance and experience. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, skin color, national or social origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable laws. 

We put special focus on equality at the place of work. One of the sustainability goals by 2025 on the level of The Coca-Cola Group is achieving full gender equality on managerial positions. At the end of 2022 the percentage of women on managerial positions on the Group level was 40%. In Serbia, 42.5% of employees in Coca-Cola HBC are women. 


of women on managerial positions. 

We are committed to developing occupational health and safety culture. The goal of the occupational health and safety policy and program is to assure and maintain healthy and safe environment, through removal of hazards, reducing risks related to occupational health and safety, raising awareness among employees, contractors, visitors and other persons that may be under the impact of our business activities. 

All regulations from the area of occupational health and safety are applied in full scale in our operations. Additionally, Coca-Cola HBC implements a certified OHS management system in line with ISO 45001:2018 standard requirements. 

In 2023, there were no fatal accidents or occupational diseases. There were 3 work-related injuries among employees, 3 work-related injuries among contracted workers, and 3 work-related injuries among independent subcontractors. 

Coca-Cola HBC Serbia provides different internal and external training programs to its employees, helping them develop necessary functional skills to perform work, including leadership skills. Learning platform in the form of e-learning is available to all employees within the company, enabling access to trainings covering a wide spectrum of topics, at any time. 


Training hours for employees in 2023.


Average number of training hours per employee

In addition to so-called “Core Curriculum” entailing internal training for the development of skills necessary to perform daily work, there are individually customized trainings related to requirements and development area of individuals. Trainings are performed in different formats – “classroom training” or online, through daily work, meaning work on a given project or task, as well as learning from others in the form of mentoring and coaching, that can be internal or external.

Also, through the accelerated development programs, we prepare our colleagues to take different, more complex and leader positions within the organizations. This model included intensive internal and external trainings, Mini MBA, mentoring of senior leaders within the organization and leading cross-functional projects.


Over the years, our community projects evolved from individual philanthropic initiatives to long-term programs on group level, that are closely connected to our business priorities and key issues. 

We continue working on important issues for local communities, with three program areas we prioritized on the Coca-Cola HBC Group level:

  • empowering youth and women, 

  • achieving World Without Waste, 

  • water stewardship initiatives. 

Coca-Cola HBC Serbia initiated the national program Coca-Cola Youth Empowered in 2017. This program addresses a very important social issue – youth employment. 

Program is envisaged in a way to provide knowledge and skills to the youth necessary for successful start of a career or own business. 

Over the past seven years, more than 13,000 participants have had the opportunity to attend free training and receive professional support.

The program adjusts and changes in line with market requirements and circumstances in the society. Lectures are now followed through web platforms and live, and the topics are carefully selected to be current and useful, to empower the youth through knowledge before they are actively participating in the society. All material is recorded and retained on our platform, so currently, the content includes more than 30 video lectures and mentoring sessions, virtual classrooms, self-assessment tests, as well as ten video modules.


young people empowered

We believe that each packaging has value and life outside of its initial purpose and that it should be collected and recycled into a new packaging. We strive to reduce the total quantity of packaging we use. Together with our suppliers and partners, we work on designing more sustainable packaging and take action to assure our packaging does not end up as waste. 

We have been implementing the initiative “Ride a Clean Wave” in Montenegro for the last four years. In cooperation with institutions of the system, NGOs and partners from the HoReCa sector, we organize a system of collecting packaging waste during the summer season and sending it to recycling. So far, more than 100 tons of packaging waste has been collected through this initiative.

UCT Pluzine1 UCT Pluzine1

The project of the Coca-Cola system for the local community which is home to our Rosa water, „Vlasina – Pure Love”, has been implemented since 2021. 

After empowering local entrepreneurs during the first year, through workshops and useful knowledge for more success in running business, during the second year we joined forces with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to enrich the touristic offer of the Vlasina area through designing 47 kilometers of hiking trails. 

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We encourage our employees to allocate part of their time to the community through own engagement in volunteering activities. Our goal is to have at least 10% of our employees volunteer during their working hours each year. Thus, in 2023, we invested over 1900 hours of volunteering in the community through several initiatives.

Volontiranje (1) Volontiranje (1)

Requirements of the community are identified through constant dialogue with stakeholders. Opinions and feedback are collected in several ways, to include all relevant stakeholders and all aspects of topics we deal with – through the work of our Advisory Board, ESG Plus survey for stakeholders and Sustainability Forum we organize each year. 

In 2023, Coca-Cola HBC Serbia donated over 225.000 liters of products, while additionally investing 324.000 EUR in the development of local communities through donations and CSR projects.


liters of donated products


euros invested in local communities


hours of volunteering