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Current Site: Serbia and Montenegro
Site Selector
Current Site: Serbia and Montenegro
Principles of sustainable agriculture protect and support biodiversity and ecosystems, insist on respecting human and labor rights, ensure health and wellbeing of animals and help the development of communities.
We work continuously with our suppliers on securing sustainable and long-term sourcing, with lesser impact on the environment.
We use the following in Coca-Cola HBC Group to assess suppliers: reliable audit process, risk assessment, SEDEX platform, used to share ethical data on suppliers as well as Eco Vadis platform, used to assess sustainability of suppliers.
Additionally, we check whether potential suppliers hold ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FSSC 22000 and ISO 45001 certificates. For agricultural products, we use standards prescribed by Rain Forest Alliance, Fair Trade, Bon Sucro, SAI platform and Forest Stewardship Council.